Friday, November 20, 2009

OOP 344 Assignment 2

So far for this assignment that I was working on, I chose to do the io_frame.cpp part. While i was working on this, I encountered some problems. I was having trouble with the constructor because I didn't know how to set the char* with the given ints. Also I was setting my variables temporary which wasn't causing the class attributes to change. One more thing I didn't do was to use the this function. Once i was found that it needed to be used, I was able to understand why I was having these problems. I also have to do io_edit.cpp which I can begin and hopefully I can finish for Wed.

Monday, November 2, 2009

IRC Meeting

The first IRC meeting for my group was on Thursday Oct 29. The topic that was discussed was svn. I really liked this meeting as it gives everyone a chance to learn about a topic over a computer from places that have Internet connections instead of being limited to the school. I dislike that anyone can join a channel instead of having a private session with just group members. I think that these sessions should continue because they are excellent of using the resources at hand to increase the learning outside school. I hope for the future that the times are more convenient for everyone and not be so late.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Hi Everyone. My name is Stefano Galano and this is my blog. Please feel free to post anything you want and to answer any future questions that I, or anyone else might have.